The case for a longer-term uptrend for gold

In an article recently published by Forbes titled “Why Gold’s Long-Term Trend Is Still Up,” author Jesse Colombo provides an image of a monthly chart supporting the premise that “an even longer-term uptrend that began in the early-2000s is still very much alive” (copy of image provided). Colombo further accentuates the case for gold stating “Though many pundits are souring on gold in favor of more exciting performers, gold still has long-term technicals and fundamentals on its side. From a fundamental perspective, global governments and central banks continue to gorge on debt and print astounding amounts of paper money, which is a trend that will not end any time soon now that the global economy is so hopelessly addicted to stimulus. The inevitable dilution of the value of paper money can only benefit hard assets such as gold and silver in the long run.”

Prospective investors often presume they have to make large acquisitions to get involved in the metals market. Not true. Many of our clients make small acquisitions (a coin, or even a fraction of a coin via our ACCRUE subscription program) on a monthly basis. With the spot price of gold having increased more than sixfold over the past two decades, it may prove prudent to just get involved at a level that meets your personal budgetary parameters.


Colombo, J. (2021 June 30) “Why Gold’s Long-Term Trend Is Still Up”. Retrieved from: